brand also speaks to its consumers in a differentway, with social media being the driving force for the viral marketing that thebrand has done so well,” Williams comments. Video, video and more video Whatmakes Aviation American Gin unique is its videos. While some are slick andinclude other celebrities or public figures, others rely on Ryan Reynolds’creativity in writing scripts and deadpan delivery to get the message across.Plus, it helps that people share the videos in huge numbers and the mainstream media also takes notice. One of the earliest videos,when Reynolds came on board in 2018, was Japan WhatsApp Number List with Richard Branson. The two took partin the video which was to launch a partnership between Aviation American Ginand Virgin Atlantic. Although according to Reynolds it was a “merger” with himtaking the helm. Along with over 1 million views on YouTube and Facebook (nosmall feat for a partnership announcement), several media outlets picked up onthe story such as USA Today. Other notable and lucrative partnerships launchedwith hilarious videos include Westminster Dog Show, thes. But the videos are not just used to make announcements or featurecelebrities. ‘The Process’ explains how the gin-making process works. Theserene
music accompanies a tongue-in-cheek script thatincludes lines such as “citrus fruits are misted using only the tears of theAviation’s owner, me, Ryan Reynolds” and “all of our botanicals are humanelycaught, cage-free and grain fed”. This video has seen nearly 5 million views onAviation Gin and Ryan Reynolds’s Youtube channels. Tip: Check out ‘How toCreate the Best Video Marketing Campaign…Ever’ to get some insight intocreating videos. Leverage trends and topics Tapping into trending stories is an