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Heart of the city









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發表於 2023-10-9 15:21:54 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
What are the results that you achieved? example of a linkedin message not backed up with data Don’t say something you can prove. If you say you can do something. Give proofs. . Give a good reason to reply You need to give your prospect a good reason to reply. What’s in it for him? how to end linkedin prospecting messages No need to give too many details here. People want their problem solved. How you solve it is a detail. If they are really feeling the pain of the issue you can solve, they will reply.

If your value proposition and call to action is not clear, your prosHow seo expate bd can you sum up clearly the value you can bring to your prospect in just one sentence? . Send - follow-ups You heard it several times: “money is in the follow-ups” This statement is backed up by data. This is also something that the Waalaxy study put forwards. linkedin prospecting follow ups stats The second message improves reply rate by %, the third by % and the fourth by.

After linkedin follow-ups messages, the reply rate is almost a %. You see that sending follow-ups is super efficient, but you have to it the right way. . Always add value in follow-ups When you are using linkedin to generates leads, make sure to add value every time you send a follow-up. Most people simply repeat their proposition value and ask for a meeting again. There is no added value for the lead in this type of follow-ups. follow up on linkedin.


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