Today, more than 250 companies collaborate with Hyperledger and that number is rapidly increasing. giants such as IBM, Amreican Express, SAP , Fujitsu, Huwaei, Nokia, Samsung, etc. are on this list. Why Hyperledger blockchain technology is important for businesses The term Hyperledger itself suggests that the operation of the platform is going to be extremely complex, in fact, throughout the article you may have had a hard time understanding how it really works.
However, the project's mission is to simplify Phone Number List processes and ensure that tasks will be performed correctly, which is why it is based on fairly simple operating principles. The key to Hyperledger is its flexibility and adaptability , that is, its design can be modularized, allowing different approaches from different teams to be implemented.
In this way, the needs of each of the companies that make up can be met. Hyperledger technologies are open source foundations created with collaborative design, which is why entities have adopted them as a reliable infrastructure to create blockchain solutions. In its beginnings, in 2015, the purpose of Hyperledger was to develop an environment in which communities of both companies and developers would come together to create work frameworks with blockchain technology.