The oil combines with the emulsifier found in the conditioner and allows it to be removed from the hair more easily. After emulsification, it is also necessary to wash the scalp and hair with shampoo as usual. The most common mistakes made when oiling hair Oiling didn't go as you planned and your hair is stiff, weighed down, dull or greasy after the treatment? There may be several reasons. The most common mistakes made when oiling hair include: choosing the wrong oil - as we mentioned, the porosity of the hair. For example, coconut oil may frizz high porosity hair, while linseed oil with large molecules will probably weigh down low porosity hair. too much oil - beginners often make this mistake. There always seems to be too little oil, which is why we decide to apply a few tablespoons of the substance on short or medium-length strands.
However, it is worth remembering moderation. For shorter hair, a few drops of oil are Austria Phone Numbers List enough; those with longer strands can increase the amount to 1 tablespoon. Larger amounts of the substance should be applied mainly by people with thick, long hair. too little oil - you did everything right, but you can't see the results? Or maybe you think that only some of your hair benefited from the treatment? Perhaps you applied too little oil and it wasn't enough to cover your hair evenly.

During the next oiling, increase the amount of the substance and check the effect of the treatment. Remember that the best results are achieved by regular oiling of your hair. Don't give up and don't give up too early - the results will come with time!Hair maniacs love lotions! The benefits of using them mean that many people have decided to permanently include these products in their care strategy.