As is the case with the rest of the keyword indicators. KOI (Keyword Opportunity Index) Unlike the KEI, the KOI is an indicator that refers to the competition in link building, that is, it shows the validity or not of a specific keyword or keyword for a certain link building strategy and backlinks. To calculate it, you must divide the number of squared searches for a certain keyword by the number of Anchor results, that is, you must use search commands.
KFI (Keyword Feasibility Index) Finally, this keyword feasibility index is calculated by dividing the number of monthly searches squared by the number of pages indexed via the allintitle command, followed by the searched keyword. with the formula.Both the moible number data KFI and the KOI and KEI are extremely important to really get to know the effectiveness of using some keywords or others for SEO positioning. They are also the best indicators to start drawing up a good SEO strategy for a web page.
Likewise, in order to develop a global vision of the effectiveness of certain keywords, each of the three indicators set out above must be analyzed and calculated and not, as many companies do, opt for only one of them. For this reason, knowing how to calculate them and analyze the results is essential to be able to determine if a certain keyword fulfills its function or if, on the contrary, it should be changed for another whose effectiveness is greater.